Thursday, January 1, 2015

Long-distance relationships

Hey guys,

As you all know I am in a long-distance relationship and I am as happy as possible.
I think its time to tell you about the pros and cons and how it really is.
A relationship like this is basically the same than every other one except you don't see each other (haha how funny) but it really is. You fight in every relationship, you laugh, cry, fall asleep and wake up together in every relationship it just not exactly the same. I can just talk about my example of the long-distance relationship but I think me and my boyfriend are a very good team when it comes to that and we get trough everything together. So I haven't seen him for 4 months now and even though we haven't touched each other or talked in person we are very happy. I am not going to lie it is hard and we have to fight for our love every day but its possible and we're making it work.
Our relationship wouldn't be this happy if we hadn't some rituals or some very simple things were doing. The first and most important thing for us to make it work is that we know what the other one is doing all the time. Not all the time in super much details but at least i always know when he's home safe or spending time with his family or friends and he knows that about me. The second thing is that were fighting for each other all the time, its not like he is my boyfriend now so I never have to tell him compliments or appreciate what he's doing no more, I try my best to show him all the time how much he means to me and he does the same thing for me. Another very important thing is that we are texting each other good morning and goodnight even though were 7 hours apart and that we keep on texting when the other is asleep just to make 'em smile in the morning. Something really helpful is that we both have something we can look forward too. Right now I can't wait to see him again because he's going to be here in a couple of weeks.
Besides all these things that are working out very well there are of course moments where we just fight and cry and miss each other so much but those moments can be very well obviated, yet not prevented. Its very important to not let it be too long between the skyping times, not to be all to jealous and to have trust and a lot of faith in each other.

All what i said is based on my experiences and on what me and my boyfriend think is important and good for our relationship. Other people might feel different about certain things or have different opinion on the whole thing and we know that. I hope this may help anybody but even if not its still gonna be how we are happy.

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